Estudo de extensão multicêntrico, de braço único, aberto, de bevacizumabe em pacientes com tumores sólidos recebendo o tratamento do estudo com bevacizumabe no final de um estudo patrocinado pela F. Hoffmann-La Roche e/ou Genentech.
- Câncer
- Tumor
- Neoplasias
- Goiás
- Rio Grande do Sul
- São Paulo
NCT01588184 2011-002009-31 MO25757
Resumo do Estudo
Estudo de fase IIIb/IV, multicêntrico, aberto, de braço único. Pacientes recebendo bevacizumabe no final do P-estudo devem ser incluídos imediatamente a partir daí. Os pacientes receberão tratamento com bevacizumabe como durante seu P-estudo até a progressão da doença, toxicidade inaceitável, retirada do consentimento ou morte (o que ocorrer primeiro).
A Single Arm, Open Label Multicentre Extension Study of Bevacizumab in Patients With Solid Tumours on Study Treatment With Bevacizumab, at the End of A F. Hoffmann-La Roche and/or Genentech Sponsored Study
Critérios de elegibilidade
- Participant is treated with bevacizumab at the end of the Roche/Genentech sponsored parent trial and continues to have benefit as judged by the investigator
- Eligible for continuation of bevacizumab treatment at the end of a parent trial, according to parent trial protocol
- Able to comply with this extension study protocol (MO25757)
- Evidence of disease progression assessed according to parent trial protocol during the screening phase for this extension study
- Evidence of any adverse event potentially attributable to bevacizumab, for which the local label recommends permanent discontinuation
- A treatment interruption with bevacizumab of more than 42 days since the last administration of bevacizumab in the parent trial
- Evidence of any other disease that would put the participant at high risk for treatment-related complications
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